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Lead Me Into The Night - The Cardigans

I went too far, yes I came too close,
I drove away the one that I loved the most...
Now I ride the tide on a boat made of sand,
I'm sailing for another to guide me to landÂ…
And lead me into the night,
Please drive away the light,
Cause I've been blinded by glittering gold,
My eyes need to rest from this light
And sleep well at night.
I traveled east and I traveled west
And I found a boy with a heart on his chest.
I ran a ground, my ship left to rust,
Yes, I found a guide in the city of lost...
To lead me into the night.
Oh, please drive away the light!
Although my mother will never understand,
I walk with him away from the light
And into the night...
Oh, you, you, you, it's gotta be you!
You, oh you, it's gotta be you!
True, true, it's true, it's gotta be you,
You, oh you, it's gotta be you!
To lead me into the night
Well I went too far and I came too close,
I drove away the first one and now he's the coast.
And I went a drift on a boat made of sand,
It was leaking like a sieve, but I made it to land.
He leads me into the night,
He drives away the light,
He makes the darkness in bright
And walks with me into the night
Away from the light...

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